Property Details

In the heart of the verdant landscape, where the whispers of the forest intertwine with the gentle hum of the N2, lies Harper's Creek—a sanctuary for adventurers and seekers of tranquility alike. Passing through the grand black gates, adorned with majestic orange pillars, visitors are welcomed into a realm where nature's charm and human ingenuity harmonize effortlessly.

Upon arrival, the allure of Harper's Creek is immediately apparent. The sprawling green pastures, reminiscent of a painter's canvas, offer a picturesque setting for weary travelers. Nestled amidst this idyllic scenery stands a quaint wooden cottage, its charm heightened by the promise of rest and rejuvenation for those who seek solace from the bustling world beyond.

Venturing further along the winding dirt road, guided by the rustic wooden signposts, one is serenaded by the symphony of birdsong emanating from the lush foliage. The anticipation builds as the tracks of Harper's Creek beckon, promising adventure and discovery at every turn.

Passing by the weathered white caravan, a relic of bygone days, memories of simpler times are evoked, adding a touch of nostalgia to the air. Nearby, a stack of firewood stands ready, inviting guests to gather 'round and share tales beneath the starlit sky.

The centerpiece of Harper's Creek reveals itself in all its splendor—a vast dam glistening under the sun's gentle caress, framed by a verdant tapestry of trees and teeming with life. Here, a sense of community thrives, as families and friends gather at the boma, encircled by rustic wooden benches, to bask in the warmth of camaraderie.

For those seeking quiet contemplation, the organic garden offers a sanctuary of serenity, illuminated by the gentle glow of solar panels that guide the way even in the darkest of nights. Nearby, the charming wooden toilets and workshop stand as testaments to craftsmanship and simplicity, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.

As the day unfolds, the potential of Harper's Creek becomes apparent—a haven not only for leisure and recreation but also a canvas upon which dreams of prosperity and growth may be realized. With plans for expansive housing developments and the promise of a thriving sand quarry, Harper's Creek beckons to the visionary investor, offering a golden opportunity amidst a landscape rich with possibility.

In the embrace of Harper's Creek, where the beauty of nature intertwines with the aspirations of mankind, each moment is imbued with the promise of adventure, community, and boundless potential.

Property Features

  • Property Type Farm
  • Beds 4
  • Bath 2
  • Garages 1
  • Building Size
  • Stand Size 19.07ha
  • Living Area 2

Associated Costs

  • Rates & Taxes ± 318



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